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Как выбрать школу для ребенка

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Определиться с местом учебы для своего любимого первоклассника – нелегкая задача. Но вполне решаемая, если заранее выяснить перечень ваших требований. Цель данной статьи - подсказать родителям, как выбрать школу для ребенка.

Идеальная школа – какая она?

Каждый родитель в понятии «хорошая школа» видит свое: у кого-то это обычная школа рядом с домом, которую и сами закончили, а кто-то мечтает отдать свое чадо в престижное учебное заведение с углубленным изучением предметов, бассейном и хорошим техническим оснащением. Кто-то считает, что лучшая школа – это где психологически комфортно и к каждому ученику есть индивидуальный подход, а кому-то больше по душе строгая дисциплина и стандартное изложение материала.

Чтобы вашему ребенку и вам последующие десять с лишним лет было спокойно и комфортно, нужно при выборе школы обратить внимание на нижеперечисленные пункты.

1. Отзывы
Можно обратиться к формальным критериям, и посмотреть рейтинг школы по ВНО, выяснить, насколько школа оснащена технически. Конечно, это не вовсе не свидетельствует о высоком уровне образования всех учеников, как и достижения учителя не могут быть показателем его человеческих качеств. Поэтому более достоверно о школе и учителях могут поведать родители и сами ученики, которые учатся в стенах интересующего вас учебного заведения.

2. Местонахождение
Для младших школьников наиболее благоприятен вариант, когда школа находится недалеко от дома. В случае, если это не так, и вы не располагаете личным автомобилем, то выясните, насколько удобно добираться до школы общественным транспортом, и тщательно исследуйте весь путь до школы на предмет безопасности.

Жить рядом с одноклассниками удобнее – путь в школу и со школы будет веселее, можно вместе ходить на кружки, делать уроки и гулять.

3. Учебная программа
Необходимо поинтересоваться, как организован учебный процесс. Какое количество уроков в день, наличие смен, дают ли первоклашкам домашние задания, есть ли дополнительные занятия и факультативы – эти и другие вопросы очень важны для маленького ученика, только-только пришедшего в школу. Ведь зачастую школы, позиционирующие себя как «перспективные», дают очень большую нагрузку, и она может оказаться непосильной для детей, особенно ослабленных или с хроническими болезнями.

Школьные программы могут быть разными. Сегодня происходит реформирование школьного образования, у школ появляется возможность самостоятельно формировать образовательные программы и выбирать методики преподавания. Школы могут иметь специализацию - художественно-эстетическая, спортивная, языки, математика, гуманитарные науки и пр.

4. Группа продленного дня
Для работающих родителей «продленка» - выход из положения, там ученик может пообедать, выучить уроки, посетить школьные факультативы, кружки и секции.

5. Количество учеников в классе
Особенно это будет немаловажно для домашних детей и детей, требующих особого внимания по причинам здоровья.

6. Финансовая сторона
Школы с платным обучением обычно имеют сайт, где прописана стоимость обучения. Также это можно выяснить у школьной администрации. А вот государственные школы, хоть и считаются бесплатными, на деле иногда требуют не меньших финансовых затрат. Это так называемые родительские благотворительные взносы, о сумме которых, как и о других подробностях, можно узнать у родителей, чьи дети посещают интересующую вас школу.

7. Школьная территория
Обратите внимание на чистоту и автономность пришкольного школьного участка. Наличие стадиона, спортивных снарядов, большой площади для проведения мероприятий будет преимуществом.

8. «Школьный дух»
Атмосфера, царящая в школе – немаловажный критерий выбора учебного заведения для первоклассника. Попробуйте понаблюдать за происходящим на школьной перемене, как ведут себя и как общаются ученики между собой, чем при этом заняты учителя, выясните расположение младших классов – отделены ли они от старшей школы, как оформлены и оснащены.

9. Питание
Наличие школьной столовой с наличием горячих блюд будет большим преимуществом по сравнению с буфетом, где можно купить лишь сухой перекус. Поинтересуйтесь у администрации и школьников рационом питания, а еще, по возможности, загляните в школьную столовую, чтобы иметь представление о качестве предлагаемой пищи.

10. Безопасность
Нынешние школы практически все имеют охранника, но вопрос безопасности стоит изучить подробнее. Выясните, каковы функции охранника и систему пропуска посторонних и выхода учеников из здания школы.

11. Педагогический состав
Многие согласятся с мнением, что главное для первоклассника – не столько школа, сколько первый учитель. От того, насколько хорошо получается у учителя ладить с детьми, будет зависеть настрой вашего ученика. Доброжелательная атмосфера с соблюдением дисциплины на уроке и адекватной подачей материала – это моменты, которые сделают учебный процесс продуктивным и приятным.

Если ваш ребенок эмоционально устойчив, легко заводит друзей и адаптируется к новой обстановке, он быстро привыкнет к любой школе. Но родителям чувствительных, эмоциональных детей, который часто болеют и быстро утомляются, имеют речевые дефекты, нужно приложить больше усилий, чтобы выбрать хорошую школу для ребенка.



Deciding on a place of study for your beloved first-grader is not an easy task. But it’s quite solvable if you find out in advance the list of your requirements. The purpose of this article is to tell parents how to choose a school for their child. Ideal school - what is it? Each parent in the concept of "good school" sees his own: for some it is an ordinary school near the house, which they themselves have finished, and someone wants to give their child to a prestigious educational institution with in-depth study of subjects, a swimming pool and good technical equipment. Someone thinks that the best school is where it is psychologically comfortable and there is an individual approach to each student, while others prefer strict discipline and a standard presentation of the material. In order for your child and you to be calm and comfortable for the next ten-plus years, you need to pay attention to the following points when choosing a school. 1. Reviews You can refer to the formal criteria and see the school’s rating according to UPE, to find out how technically equipped the school is. Of course, this does not at all indicate a high level of education of all students, just as the achievements of a teacher cannot be an indicator of his human qualities. Therefore, parents and students themselves who study in the walls of the educational institution you are interested in can tell more reliably about the school and teachers. 2. Location For younger students, the most favorable option is when the school is not far from home. If this is not the case, and you do not have a personal car, then find out how convenient it is to get to school by public transport, and carefully examine all the way to school for safety. Living next to classmates is more convenient - the way to and from school will be more fun, you can go to mugs together, do homework and walk. 3. The curriculum It is necessary to ask how the educational process is organized. How many lessons per day, whether there are shifts, whether homework is given to first-graders, whether there are additional classes and electives - these and other questions are very important for a small student who has just arrived at school. Indeed, often schools that position themselves as “promising” give a very large load, and it can be unbearable for children, especially those who are weakened or with chronic diseases. School programs can be different. Today, school education is being reformed, schools have the opportunity to independently form educational programs and choose teaching methods. Schools may have specialization - artistic and aesthetic, sports, languages, mathematics, humanities, etc. 4. Extended day group For working parents, “extension” is a way out, where a student can have lunch, learn lessons, attend school electives, study groups and sections. 5. The number of students in the class This will be especially important for domestic children and children requiring special attention for health reasons. 6. Financial side Schools with paid tuition usually have a website where the cost of tuition is prescribed. You can also find out from the school administration. But public schools, although considered free, sometimes in fact require no less financial costs. These are the so-called parental charitable contributions, the amount of which, as well as other details, can be found out from the parents whose children attend the school you are interested in. 7. School grounds Pay attention to the cleanliness and autonomy of the school grounds. The presence of a stadium, sports equipment, a large area for events will be an advantage. 8. “School spirit” The atmosphere prevailing in school is an important criterion for choosing an educational institution for a first-grader. Try to observe what is happening at the school break, how the students behave and how they communicate with each other, what the teachers are doing at the same time, find out the location of the elementary grades - whether they are separated from the high school, how they are decorated and equipped. 9. Meals Having a school cafeteria with hot meals will be a big advantage compared to a buffet where you can buy only a dry snack. Ask the administration and schoolchildren for a diet and, if possible, take a look at the school canteen to have an idea of ​​the quality of the food offered. 10. Security Today’s schools almost all have a security guard, but the security issue is worth exploring. Find out what are the functions of the guard and the system of admission of strangers and the exit of students from the school building. 11. Teaching staff Many will agree with the opinion that the main thing for a first-grader is not so much the school as the first teacher. The mood of your student will depend on how well the teacher can get along with the children. A friendly atmosphere with discipline in the lesson and adequate presentation of material are the moments that will make the learning process productive and enjoyable. If your child is emotionally stable, makes friends easily and adapts to a new environment, he will quickly get used to any school. But kind



ents of a teacher cannot be an indicator of his human qualities. Therefore, parents and students themselves who study in the walls of the educational institution you are interested in can tell more reliably about the school and teachers. 2. Location For younger students, the most favorable option is when the school is not far from home. If this is not the case, and you do not have a personal car, then find out how convenient it is to get to school by public transport, and carefully examine all the way to school for safety. Living next to classmates is more convenient - the way to and from school will be more fun, you can go to mugs together, do homework and walk. 3. The curriculum It is necessary to ask how the educational process is organized. How many lessons per day, whether there are shifts, whether homework is given to first-graders, whether there are additional classes and electives - these and other questions are very important for a small student who has just arrived at school. Indeed, often schools that position themselves as “promising” give a very large load, and it can be unbearable for children, especially those who are weakened or with chronic diseases. School programs can be different. Today, school education is being reformed, schools have the opportunity to independently form educational programs and choose teaching methods. Schools may have specialization - artistic and aesthetic, sports, languages, mathematics, humanities, etc. 4. Extended day group For working parents, “extension” is a way out, where a student can have lunch, learn lessons, attend school electives, study groups and sections. 5. The number of students in the class This will be especially important for domestic children and children requiring special attention for health reasons. 6. Financial side Schools with paid tuition usually have a website where the cost of tuition is prescribed. You can also find out from the school administration. But public schools, although considered free, sometimes in fact require no less financial costs. These are the so-called parental charitable contributions, the amount of which, as well as other details, can be found out from the parents whose children attend the school you are interested in. 7. School grounds Pay attention to the cleanliness and autonomy of the school grounds. The presence of a stadium, sports equipment, a large area for events will be an advantage. 8. “School spirit” The atmosphere prevailing in school is an important criterion for choosing an educational institution for a first-grader. Try to observe what is happening at the school break, how the students behave and how they communicate with each other, what the teachers are doing at the same time, find out the location of the elementary grades - whether they are separated from the high school, how they are decorated and equipped. 9. Meals Having a school cafeteria with hot meals will be a big advantage compared to a buffet where you can buy only a dry snack. Ask the administration and schoolchildren for a diet and, if possible, take a look at the school canteen to have an idea of ​​the quality of the food offered. 10. Security Today’s schools almost all have a security guard, but the security issue is worth exploring. Find out what are the functions of the guard and the system of admission of strangers and the exit of students from the school building. 11. Teaching staff Many will agree with the opinion that the main thing for a first-grader is not so much the school as the first teacher. The mood of your student will depend on how well the teacher can get along with the children. A friendly atmosphere with discipline in the lesson and adequate presentation of material are the moments that will make the learning process productive and enjoyable. If your child is emotionally stable, makes friends easily and adapts to a new environment, he will quickly get used to any school. But kind



Deciding on a place of study for your beloved first-grader is not an easy task. But it’s quite solvable if you find out in advance the list of your requirements. The purpose of this article is to tell parents how to choose a school for their child. Ideal school - what is it? Each parent in the concept of "good school" sees his own: for some it is an ordinary school near the house, which they themselves have finished, and someone wants to give their child to a prestigious educational institution with in-depth study of subjects, a swimming pool and good technical equipment. Someone thinks that the best school is where it is psychologically comfortable and there is an individual approach to each student, while others prefer strict discipline and a standard presentation of the material. In order for your child and you to be calm and comfortable for the next ten-plus years, you need to pay attention to the following points when choosing a school. 1. Reviews You can refer to the formal criteria and see the school’s rating according to UPE, to find out how technically equipped the school is. Of course, this does not at all indicate a high level of education of all students, just as the achievements of a teacher cannot be an indicator of his human qualities. Therefore, parents and students themselves who study in the walls of the educational institution you are interested in can tell more reliably about the school and teachers. 2. Location For younger students, the most favorable option is when the school is not far from home. If this is not the case, and you do not have a personal car, then find out how convenient it is to get to school by public transport, and carefully examine all the way to school for safety. Living next to classmates is more convenient - the way to and from school will be more fun, you can go to mugs together, do homework and walk. 3. The curriculum It is necessary to ask how the educational process is organized. How many lessons per day, whether there are shifts, whether homework is given to first-graders, whether there are additional classes and electives - these and other questions are very important for a small student who has just arrived at school. Indeed, often schools that position themselves as “promising” give a very large load, and it can be unbearable for children, especially those who are weakened or with chronic diseases. School programs can be different. Today, school education is being reformed, schools have the opportunity to independently form educational programs and choose teaching methods. Schools may have specialization - artistic and aesthetic, sports, languages, mathematics, humanities, etc. 4. Extended day group For working parents, “extension” is a way out, where a student can have lunch, learn lessons, attend school electives, study groups and sections. 5. The number of students in the class This will be especially important for domestic children and children requiring special attention for health reasons. 6. Financial side Schools with paid tuition usually have a website where the cost of tuition is prescribed. You can also find out from the school administration. But public schools, although considered free, sometimes in fact require no less financial costs. These are the so-called parental charitable contributions, the amount of which, as well as other details, can be found out from the parents whose children attend the school you are interested in. 7. School grounds Pay attention to the cleanliness and autonomy of the school grounds. The presence of a stadium, sports equipment, a large area for events will be an advantage. 8. “School spirit” The atmosphere prevailing in school is an important criterion for choosing an educational institution for a first-grader. Try to observe what is happening at the school break, how the students behave and how they communicate with each other, what the teachers are doing at the same time, find out the location of the elementary grades - whether they are separated from the high school, how they are decorated and equipped. 9. Meals Having a school cafeteria with hot meals will be a big advantage compared to a buffet where you can buy only a dry snack. Ask the administration and schoolchildren for a diet and, if possible, take a look at the school canteen to have an idea of ​​the quality of the food offered. 10. Security Today’s schools almost all have a se


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